Thursday, July 25, 2019

Hello and goodbye

Hello, today I finish writing the last blog that I will write this semester, this experience has allowed me to write several topics of various things although sometimes they were topics that I did not like in the least but allowed me to investigate and make me curious about different topics that I had not been curious before.

 This activity allowed me to develop my writing skills a lot although I know that I am not good at this and it costs me but when it is a topic that interests me I try to do my best at the beginning I did not write almost anything but now I feel a little more confident writing, Just a little more confident.

In the future I would like to add one blogs of topics such as pharmacochemistry or similar topics since that is the type of blogs that I would like to do but well the next semester I will see what types of blog I have to write. 

I hope to continue adding blogs since I found it an interesting activity, it has also helped me to improve my English vocabulary a bit but I think this has been all for this semester to who is reading this blog or has read any of my previous blogs I hope that you liked or at least served to pass the little while.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

The liver

The liver is important because it is the main biotransformer organ of drugs. 

Drugs can be metabolized by oxidation, reduction, hydrolysis, hydration, conjugation, condensation or isomerization; whatever the route chosen, the objective is to facilitate its excretion. There are metabolic enzymes in many tissues, but they are especially abundant in the liver. The speed of drug metabolism is not the same in all individuals. In some, the metabolism can be so rapid as to prevent the attainment of therapeutically effective blood and tissue concentrations; in others it can be very slow, with which normal doses can cause toxic effects. The speed of metabolism of drugs in different individuals depends on genetic factors, concomitant diseases (especially chronic liver diseases and advanced heart failure) and drug interactions (especially those involving induction or inhibition of metabolism). 

In the human adult it measures on average 26 cm wide, 15 cm high and 8 cm thick at the level of the right lobe, its approximate weight is 1.5 kg. The liver is located in the upper right part of the abdominal cavity, below the diaphragm and above the stomach, the right kidney and the intestines. 

Eat a balanced diet: Eat whole grains, nuts, vegetables, lean protein and healthy fats; Avoid saturated fats, sugar and sodium.

 Exercise regularly: According to liver specialist Steven K. Herrine, M.D., professor of medicine at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia, exercise helps maintain a reasonable body mass index, and this protects you against NAFLD and NASH. 

Drink in moderation: Drinking too much alcohol is the second most common cause of cirrhosis, after hepatitis C, and a risk factor for alcoholic hepatitis (inflammation of the liver and cell destruction) and fatty liver or steatosis. Not all people who drink heavily develop liver disease, but limiting drinks to one per day will reduce the risk of alcohol-related liver disease. 

Beware of supplements: many medications can affect the liver but there are more and more supplements (such as green tea extract) that can lead to serious and sometimes chronic liver problems.

Thursday, July 11, 2019

organic chemistry 2

My favorite subject is organic chemistry 2, in the class reactions are usually presented, the reagents of this are discussed, the conditions for its occurrence, its mechanism of action and exercises are presented in which we have to apply those recently seen reactions and that is He does it for every reaction he teaches. The classes are theoretical but from time to time the professor begins to talk about what the procedure would be like in the laboratory of the reagents and their conditions, by this I mean Professor Hernán Pessoa M.

The truth is I do not know why I like the subject, it will be because it was easy for me to take the bouquet, another teacher puts more emphasis on the didactic way of teaching or I just like to learn the synthesis reactions.

In the course that is being studied this semester we are ninety-eight members but by class no more than fifty people are appreciated, most likely this will happen depending on the teacher who teaches the class that day, at the beginning of the subject the room was full of students but now there are only a few.

Thursday, July 4, 2019

organic chemistry

Hello, I am going to tell you about a web page that in my humble opinion will help you as a complement of study in organic one, two and three as a way to explain in a simpler way these branches in the university, with this I am referring to the website

This website has sections such as synthesis, spectroscopy, nomenclature, reactions, heterocycles .... And so a number of other sections, what I like about this page is that it has subsections within each section where you try to break down the content into the most specific, such as looking for a reaction by its name, it will show you the reaction, its mechanism and I will explain why it happens that way and not otherwise.

 I have visited this website a couple of times (six) but it has been useful to me. Other useful pages can be: (This is the page that you would choose if you want to study a bit of everything, besides the good thing is that it teaches you both written and in videos)

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Monday, July 1, 2019

pet lovers

Hello pet lovers, I do not have a pet but I have several pets with this I mean a rabbit, a dog and a chick spider.

Resultado de la imagen para el perro pudullThe rabbit is called chapo, my dog ​​is called cinnamon and the spider chick is called hamit each has a different story. I bought it from my brother in a downtown store to make a cogollin company a black rabbit with dark green legs that he had and he was alone since I arrived at my house.

Related imageImage result for conejo
 The cinnamon came from the street and we adopted it Hamit we found her with my brother while we were climbing on the mountain and we brought her with us now we have a habitat in the house I like my pets because when I get to see them are done alone and let them take to love them, sounds normal with the rabbit and my dog ​​but my spider chick climbs alone to my palm and remains quiet in it.

Thursday, June 20, 2019

The tuft

Hello, I am going to talk about the tuft, the picture that I will put down here is not the same but it looks like the one that was taken.

The truth is that I do not take the photograph since I came to the whatsapp after a while. This picture was taken in 2017 at the corner of the chemistry and pharmacy race, where they cut our clothes, they painted us, they tied us with a thread that went through the clothes and they made us go around the block all together. There are many other photographs that I like about that tuft as one where we posed at the exit of a group of locks that we were asking for coins, sincerely the men looked like transvestites because of the paint we had on our faces and the women seemed to be bearded and hairy with the paint they had on their bodies.

Thursday, June 6, 2019

what a great book and movie

Hi, I love J. K Rowlling's books and if we're talking about her as I would not mention the Harry Potter saga, then my favorite book and my favorite movie is that saga, by this I mean '' Harry Potter and the Prince Half Blood´´.

For me it was the best story in the series and from my point of view the one that matters most in this, because we found out about the existence of the horcrux that is an object in which a Dark wizard or witch has hidden a fragment of his or her soul for the purpose of attaining immortality. Horcruxes can only be created after committing murder, the supreme act of evil.

I read the Harry Potter books at least twice each, this book is read 2014 but the film had already seen, this sounds cliché but yes, the book seemed better than the movie, if you are a fan Harry Potter and I have seen the movie but you have not read the book, you should do it.
Image result for harry potter y el principe 3 mestizo
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Thursday, May 30, 2019

The cell phone a great tool to read

Hi, my favorite piece of technology is the cell phone but it's not for reasons like to play, listen to music and be reviewing social networks all day but it's my favorite piece because it helps me transport files that I can read at all times, for me it is where I can be all day if I want to read books or papers, usually any type of file about subjects that I have to study at the university.

Since I bought my first cell phone at sixteen I could not separate myself from him anymore, I use it daily at all hours to read, I can not imagine a day without my main source of reading.

It would be difficult for me to go to a library or to connect to a computer to be reading books or study materials, the truth is that I think it more than anything because of the convenience of having this information at hand.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

From college to university

I really do not remember what I wanted to study as a child, surely I can not remember it because i did not think about it and it did not cross my mind in my childhood.

During school, I liked the subjects of chemistry, mathematics and biology but I did not know what to study because I did not decide on any particular career, in the end as I did not decide on any career I went with my sister to a fair for the postulant of the university of chile and I decided to the first race that my sister suggested to me, which was chemistry and pharmacy.

I do not regret having entered this career, I really loved it from the first moment I started researching and studying chemistry and pharmacy, until now.

I still have not decided which area to devote to because I have years of study left and as the semesters pass my tastes can change but if I had to choose an area now I would dedicate myself in the future to the pharmaceutical industry.

Thursday, April 4, 2019

My family

My name is Divo Cabrera. I was born in Santiago 1998. My family is composed of my mother, father, sister, brother, rabbit and my dog.

My mom is a marchant and my publicist dad works together in an independent company. My brother is a graphic designer and my sister is an auditor , as you can see, someone was missing something related to science and that was me studyng chemistry and pharmacy.

I need to talk about my pets. My rabbit is called Chapo by the well-known drug trafficker "El Chapo Guzmán", who escaped from a security prison through tunnels and my dog is called Canela because when they gave it to us it was tiny and had the smell of cinnamon.