Hello, today I finish
writing the last blog that I will write this semester, this experience has allowed
me to write several topics of various things although sometimes they were
topics that I did not like in the least but allowed me to investigate and make
me curious about different topics that I had not been curious before.
activity allowed me to develop my writing skills a lot although I know that I
am not good at this and it costs me but when it is a topic that interests me I
try to do my best at the beginning I did not write almost anything but now I
feel a little more confident writing, Just a little more confident.
In the
future I would like to add one blogs of topics such as pharmacochemistry or
similar topics since that is the type of blogs that I would like to do but well
the next semester I will see what types of blog I have to write.
I hope to
continue adding blogs since I found it an interesting activity, it has also
helped me to improve my English vocabulary a bit but I think this has been all
for this semester to who is reading this blog or has read any of my previous
blogs I hope that you liked or at least served to pass the little while.